Listen to a short audioclip from the artist
Titel:  Deep in the ocean
Dimension/Duration:  90 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  25.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Fire by the lake
Dimension/Duration:  60 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  20.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Shamans Spell
Dimension/Duration:  60 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  20.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Steamy Memories
Dimension/Duration:  90 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  25.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Living in darkness
Dimension/Duration:  90 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  25.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Heat Pressure
Dimension/Duration:  60 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  20.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Power of corals
Dimension/Duration:  90 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  25.000 DKK​​​​​​​
Titel:  Energy Island
Dimension/Duration:  90 cm in diameter
Material:  Roadsign with lightreflective laminate
Price:  25.000 DKK​​​​​​​
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