Listen to a short audioclip from the artist
Titel: A conversation on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / feedback loop
Dimension/Duration:  50 x 70 cm
Material:  Photographs printed on PVC canvas
Price:  155 EUR / 1157,96 DKK
Titel: A conversation on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / loneliness
Dimension/Duration:  50 x 70 cm
Material:  Photographs printed on PVC canvas
Price:  155 EUR / 1157,96 DKK
Titel: A conversation on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / pain
Dimension/Duration:  50 x 70 cm
Material:  Photographs printed on PVC canvas
Price:  155 EUR / 1157,96 DKK
Titel: A conversation on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / thistle
Dimension/Duration:  50 x 70 cm
Material:  Photographs printed on PVC canvas
Price:  155 EUR / 1157,96 DKK
Titel: A conversation on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome / sometimes the light does shine through
Dimension/Duration:  50 x 70 cm
Material:  Photographs printed on PVC canvas
Price:  155 EUR / 1157,96 DKK
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